
While this article may appear anti-christian, it is not meant to belittle the concept of or to demean those who practice Christianity. We understand that this religious concept was thrust upon us during slavery and continued to be practiced as a means of subjugation during the colonial eras. Here in the US, at one time, the ‘Black church’ was an institution to which we turned for comfort and fellowship, also to provide support and stability in our communities. Now, the church as we knew it no longer exists. Instead, it has been manipulated in such a way so as to become a source of income for many charlatans, utilized as a means for them to live lavish lifestyles in today’s capitalistic and consumerist economy.  Notwithstanding, this in no way negates the contributions of Black churches and the respect of ministers who ‘practice what they preach.’ However, the number of churches and ministers who fall into this category is minimal and therefore not very noticeable. 

The Origination Of Christianity

Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus in the 1st century Roman province of Judea. According to the Gospels, Jesus was a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent Kingdom of God, and was crucified at c. 30–33 AD. … The earliest followers of Jesus were apocalyptic Jewish Christians.




Red Arrows Indicate Cities With High African American Populations

The following graph depicts cities that have large church populations and high percentage of African-Americans either unemployed or living below the poverty line. One may also assume that a large majority of the congregation in these churches are predominantly black.

While the video above is not specifically based on religion itself (as an institution), it makes reference to the point that the majority of poverty stricken countries are in Africa, and that these countries have people that are very “religious.” Unfortunately, many Africans practice “Christianity” which is a religion that was not created for us but has been used to suppress our natural spirituality and enthusiasm for action, thereby assisting those who seek to make us servile and inactive instead of being dominant and proactive.


Robin Hood in Reverse #Tithing

Where do these churches get the financial support for their operations? Most of these structures are ostentatious, the pastors live opulent/affluent lifestyles while some members of the congregation are homeless, penniless and hopeless. Based on the original doctrines of Christianity as recorded in the most read history book of all times, Jesus Christ was a champion of the sick, poor and needy. He was a supporter of the ‘Robin Hood’ concept–take from the rich and give to the poor. How then do these ‘Christian’ leaders become so rich? The answer is quite simple. Tithing! Taking from everyone, the poor and needy included! We need to ask ourselves the questions: 

  • How many preachers preach about the current suffering and social neglect of the African people?
  • Who benefits from the tithes we pay to the church? 
  • Why is there a stipulated amount? 
  • From where did the concept of tithing come? 
  • How many ministers of the gospel are multi-millionaires? 
  • How much have they done and how much more can they do to improve the standards of Africans in their communities?  

The Bible which is the main text for the Christian faith contains many texts regarding tithing, (the collection of money) but it also has texts saying what should be done with these collections! Is it that these pastors have not yet read the portions of the scripture that instruct us to care for the needy? Malcolm X accurately explained the extent to which the African is brainwashed in one of his speeches: “Ask a Chinese to draw a picture of God, he draws someone looking like a Chinese, ask an Eskimo to draw God, he draws someone looking like an Eskimo. ——-, Ask a White man–, he draws someone white, ask a negro to draw God, he draws a white man!”


We may be physically free from slavery but the black church is contributing to our mental and finacial slavery. 


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